Want to bring an outstanding speaker to your next event?


I’ve had the opportunity to encourage and inspire more than 10,000 people at events across the country. 

My story is one of relentless commitment to seeing potential in problems and prosperity in commitment to purpose.

Find more speaking videos and information about how to bring me to your audience, click here


a few kind words

You’ve been one of the few strategy consultants we can trust to give us new ways to think about our business without telling us what to do. Instead, you explain different options, what it could look like, and outline the types of companies/business models you’ve seen it work for. Beyond that, you always know who to call/connect us with before we even reach out. I think what’s made working with you so amazing is there’s never a doubt in our mind that you want the best for us. You are proactive and consistent with advising on trends to look out for, places to refine our story and even asking questions that help us pause to be intentional about our next steps. Last, sis!! The frequency in which you send opportunities for money and investors - you. are. the. plug. I personally feel like as a black founder it’s so hard to find people who get what you’re trying to do but also know the ins and outs of what it takes to level up behind the scenes.”
— Nicolette Graves, Co-Founder at BASE BUTTER
Juiceheads was built on your knowledge in small business investment and commitment to our success. You have linked us with other businesses and exposed us to networking and information that has allowed the Juiceheads brand to become a major spotlight in Atlanta. And this is just the beginning of our journey. We look forward to your continuing guidance.
— Larissa Cato, Owner at Juiceheads ATL
You’ve helped me so much in my business endeavors from helping me get clear about who I’m serving, how to make a bigger impact by serving my community of women and helping me secure speaking opportunities where I could be introduced to new audiences who could benefit from my program. What you’re really good at has been giving me clarity and support around what I should be doing in order to have the most impact. I think anyone wanting to work with you has to be willing to roll up their sleeves and do the work. Something I’ve noticed about you is that people have to be willing to meet you halfway, if they want to get results.

Because I was willing to listen to feedback and get active, I was able to grow my program, Power Your Launch from 0 to 3 million in less than 3 years. I wouldn’t have been here without you helping to guide me and act as a sounding board.
— Abu Fofanah, Founder at Power Your Launch

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